City Latitude & Longitude Database

City Center Coordinates

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This database contains a list of cities with corresponding city latitude and longitude database center points. This database was originally intended for store locator software; however, our city coordinates are beneficial anytime the latitude and longitude by city is needed (vs. the more commonly used ZIP Code coordinate). For instance, while traveling a user may not know their present ZIP Code but they likely know the city. This city latitude and longitude database allows them to find nearby locations of interest based on a reference point more readily available to the them.

Highly Accurate

We earnestly pursue creating the highest quality databases.

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This product is updated regularly based on its frequency of change.

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City Latitude and Longitude Database

This city coordinates product has been created for use in store locator applications. It allows users to select a city instead of a ZIP Code when searching for nearest locations. It will give the latitude and longitude by city and will enable your software to present a more reasonable distance calculation; after all, the latitude / longitude for a ZIP Code could be on the outskirts of the city and our point could be in the downtown area.

Learn more: View the Product Documentation / Watch our Accuracy Matters video

Database Specs

Data Format - CSV

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File


Official U.S. Postal Service state abbreviation


The name of the county in which the city is located.

City / Place Name

Official city or township name used by the U.S. Postal Service

City Coordinates

Lat/Lon: Approximate City Latitude and Longitude center point. The city latitudes are positive, the city longitude coordinates are negative, which is the proper way to denote locations west of the Grand Meridian.

Affordability and Simplicity

  • Low Cost
  • One Year Access
  • Regularly Updated
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited User Licensing Available
  • Money Back Guarantee


Cannot be resold, transferred, or used to compete with (as outlined in our license agreement).

Related Links

Alternate City Names and Spellings
US ZIP Code Database Geocoded
US ZIP Code Database