Medicare CBSA Codes Database

Medicare Core-Based Statistical Areas

Our Medicare CBSA Codes database (Core-Based Statistical Areas) are commonly used to accurately file Medicare claims and to verify applicable incentives using a patient’s ZIP Code, such as the Medicare Home Health Rural Add-on Incentive.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) signed into law in early 2010 gives an additional 3% to payments made for home health services to patients in rural areas. To qualify for this incentive, a patient must live in a rural area indicated by Medicare CBSA Codes used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). To help make that determination, this database lists Medicare CBSA Codes, by county, and ZIP Code.

Note: Medicare CBSA Codes differ from regular CBSA’s(CMS CBSA Codes)

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Medicare CBSA (Core-Based Statistical Areas)

This product contains Medicare CBSA Codes, based on county, and assigned per ZIP Code for patient verification. If a ZIP Code crosses multiple counties, our file provides record for each occurrence.

Medicare uses CBSA codes that are not identical to standard CBSA Codes. They may also be known as 'CMS CBSA Codes' Although based on the same database, Medicare CBSA's insert exceptions and nuances regarding rural or smaller towns. Our database carefully implements these differences.


Due to the amount of data, the files are normalized to minimize the amount of duplicate information. The following files are included with this product: Learn more: view the CBSA Medicare Product Documentation / Watch our Accuracy Matters video

Database Specs

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File

Official U.S. Postal Service five digit ZIP Code

Official city name used by the U.S. Postal Service

Official U.S. Postal Service State Abbreviation

Official State Name

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 2‐digit state. FIPS codes are not available for all areas (APO, FPO, some U.S. Territories).

The state codes used in Medicare databases are Social Security Administration (SSA) codes, which differ from Federal Information Processing Standard codes (FIPS).

The name of the county in which the ZIP Code is found.

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 3‐digit county. FIPS codes are not available for all areas (APO, FPO, some U.S. Territories).

(aka CMS CBSA) Geographic location code as defined by the Office of Management and Budget. Note: if the OMB makes a change after CMS has defined their codes, it won't show up until the next fiscal year.

Geographic location name as defined by the Office of Management and Budget

A CBSA sub-classification:
Micro - 10,000 to 50,000 population
Metro - 50,000 + population

Database Sources

We are licensees of USPS database products, but we enhance our CBSA Medicare database based on decades of experience to provide you with the most accurate product available.

Affordability and Simplicity

  • Low Cost
  • One Year Access
  • Updated Yearly
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited User Licensing Available
  • Money Back Guarantee


Cannot be resold, transferred, or used to compete with (as outlined in our license agreement).

Related Links

CBSA Codes Database   (Non-Medicare Core-Based Statistical Areas)
Rural Urban and Suburban Database   (Enhanced Department of Defense Data)