Mexican Postal Codes

Latitude, Longitude, Time Zones, and More

This database contains a complete list of Mexico's Postal Codes with latitude and longitude. It encompasses just under 160,000 total records with settlements, municipalities, cities, and states listed by postal code. There are over 32,000 unique Mexican Postal Codes each often spanning multiple settlements. This product is continuously maintained. Our main updates occur monthly and are applied before the first day of each month.

Many different sources are used in producing this database (locations, geocoding, time zones, daylight savings). Anyone familiar with Mexican locations and their naming conventions know there are numerous influential competing sources with differing standards. We make every attempt to use the most recognized and widely adopted.

Considering the improvements in Correos de México (Mails of Mexico) formerly Sepomex (Mexican Postal Service) in recent years, we now view them as authoritative when it comes to settlement and municipality naming conventions. Unless we are otherwise sure, we give greater weight to their names. See sample of actual data below and feel free to download a larger cross-section (at right).

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Sample (not all fields are shown)

PostalCode Settlement SettlementType StateISO Municipality City Zone Latitude Longitude TimeZone DST
05330 Memetla Colonia CMX Cuajimalpa de Morelos Ciudad de México Urbano 19.358328 -99.286428 -6 N
05330 Ampliación Memetla Colonia CMX Cuajimalpa de Morelos Ciudad de México Urbano 19.358328 -99.286428 -6 N
09070 Granjas de San Antonio Colonia CMX Iztapalapa Ciudad de México Urbano 19.364035 -99.106626 -6 N

As one would expect with Mexican data, many place names use diacritics (accent marks such as acute, tilde, dieresis/umlaut, etc.) found in the UTF-8 character set and the older ISO-8859-1 subset. If you have a legacy system limited to ASCII, see note at bottom of page.

The only state abbreviations having near universal acceptance in and out of Mexico are the ISO 3166-2 (3-character, included in this product). However, there are several large organizations (commercial as well as government agencies) that use 2-character abbreviations. Although there is much overlap, none completely agree, and none dominate. Our 2-character state is derived from the most frequently used among them all. However, some organizations require their own when transmitting data. To help, we include a supplementary relational table with 2-char states used by other sources (RENAPO/CURP, INEGI, US: Dept Homeland Security, Customs Border Patrol, DOT, FBI, USFS, PCMiler, MileMaker).

Always Up to Date

As updates occur, we are quick to add them. When you download this product, you can count on it being the very latest. Major releases by the Mexican postal system are received monthly and applied right away. Our processing efficiency has been maturing for the past 30 years.

Common Use Cases

This database is intended for enterprise customers and is excellent for meeting Mexican Post requirements, city verification. It is commonly used for transportation and logistics industries. It is used by both Mexican companies and those doing business in Mexico (including Fortune 500).

Database Specs

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File

The Mexican postal code is a 5-digit integer. When a Postal Code boundary spans multiple settlements, each is listed as a separate record.

Name of the Settlement

Type of Settlement (Colonia, Ranchería, Pueblo, Barrio, Fraccionamiento, etc.). Very infrequently a settlement will cross settlement types; these are listed separately.

Official Settlement type abbreviation (COL, RCHER, PBO, BO, FRACC, etc.)

Full state name (México)

Unofficial two-character state abbreviation (MX)

Official ISO 3166-2 three-character state abbreviation (MEX)

Conventional state abbreviation (Méx.)

Name of Municipality (Álvaro Obregón)

Name of City (Ciudad de México)

Type of Zoning (Rural, Urbano, Semiurbano )

The format for Latitude is: 99.999999 and the format for Longitude is: ‐999.999999.  Note that west longitudes (all Mexico locations), contain a negative number.

This is the time from UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), which are negative numbers in this hemisphere.

Daylight Saving Time Flag (Y/N) - Indicates whether observing Daylight Savings Time as officially recognized by the Mexican government (mostly border cities).

Relational keys for referencing other official Mexico datasets and any of our supplementary Mexican tables.

Affordability and Simplicity

  • Cost Effective
  • One Year Access
  • Updated Monthly
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited User Licensing Available
  • Supplemented with geographic data
  • We are a U.S Company - Live, Free Technical Support
  • Money Back Guarantee


Cannot be resold, transferred, or used to compete with (as outlined in license agreement). One copy per application or business entity.

Related Links

View the Product Documentation
Watch our Accuracy Matters video.

* A Note for Legacy Systems Limited to Using ASCII Characters

Both English and accented characters exist in UTF-8 whereas ASCII has only English. There are many characters that are similar in appearance to English in UTF-8 but are not binary-compatible. However, a list of acceptable English substitutes can be found on the United Nations Economic Commission website for trade purposes (shown below). Furthermore, most modern computer languages can easily translate UTF-8 characters into ASCII by way of substitution. Feel free to contact us with questions.

À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Å, ÆA
È, É, Ê, ËE
Ì, Í, Î, ÏI
Ò, Ó, Ô, Õ, Ö, ØO
Ù, Ú, Û, ÜU
à, á, â, ã, ä, å, æa
è, é, ê, ëe
ì, í, î, ïi
ò, ó, ô, õ, ö, øo
ù, ú, û, üu
ý, ÿy