Demographics by ZIP Code Database

Census Data By ZIP Code with an Easy Data Extractor

Our 2025 Demographics by ZIP Code database contains the very latest counts. All estimates include the latest decennial census count combined with estimated yearly increases to-date. These estimates are the most accurate data available. When a demographic has both an estimate and a count, we highly recommend that you use the estimate.

GreatData’s unique Census Data Extractor makes this database easily accessible to the non-programmer and saves valuable hours for the programmer. It allows you to create your own custom files by picking and choosing only the Census Demographics needed. Watch the video below for a quick demonstration.

census by zip code download Also notable in the product are the 5 and 10 year population projections for each ZIP Code.

See below for a list of field specifications and how the data is categorized (population, housing, income, age, race, education, and much more).

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Demographic data by ZIP Code Database

Our ZIP Code Census Demographics database is tied to a ZCTA, which is the Census Bureau’s approximation of a ZIP Code. They are the same code, but not always an exact overlay. Many Postal Service ZIP Codes are specific to PO Boxes and businesses where there are no residences; thus, they have no population. Those are not included in Census data. Of roughly 41,000 ZIP Codes, there are about 33,000 matching ZCTAs. If you need census demographics for all ZIP Codes – including P.O. Box only ZIP Codes and those representing non-area points on a map – please consider our Parent ZIP Code Product to use as a cross-reference.

Our Census by ZIP Code database has been created by parsing data from multiple extracts of ZIP Code Census data and other sources.

Learn more: View the Product Documentation / Watch our Accuracy Matters video

Database Specs

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File

Official U.S. Postal Service five digit ZIP Code

U.S. Postal Service type codes:
B = Single High-volume Address
M = APO/FPO Military
E = P.O. Box Only
No value indicates standard general delivery

Official U.S. Postal Service State Abbreviation

Latitude / Longitude, Land Area, Water Area

Name of ZIP Code's main city / County

Demographics include:

Population by ZIP Code: Total Males/Females, Population density (persons per square mile of land), Latest population estimates, 5 and 10-year Projections

Median age (All, Males, Females), Age Breakdowns (available by Male & Female) 0‐4, 5‐9, 10‐14, 15‐19, 20‐24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40‐44, 45‐49, 50‐54, 55‐59, 60‐64, 65‐69, 70‐74, 75‐79, 80‐84, 85‐89, 90+. Age Groupings: Under/Over 18, Over 21, Over 65, Over 85.

Total Families, Average Family Size, Average Income, Median Income, MOE fields (margin of error)

Per Capita Income and MOE (margin of error)

People living in institutional (correctional facilities and nursing homes) and non-institutional (college dorms, military barracks) group quarters

Population by ZIP Code: Total Households 2010, Average HH Size, Current Estimates: Total Household, Average/Median Income, Households Receiving Earnings, Retirement Income, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Cash Assistance. Households receiving Food Stamps (SNAP).

Breakdowns of households with income in various ranges from less than $10,000 to over $200,000

Population by ZIP Code: Total Housing, Occupied Housing, Owner Occupied Housing, Renter Occupied Housing, Vacant Housing (For Sale, For Rent, Seasonal), Mobile Homes, Median Home Value, Median Rent, Avg. Home Value, Avg. Rent, MOE (margins of error), Home Heating (Utility Gas, LP, Electric, Oil, Coal, Wood, Solar, Other). Newly added: Housing Age.

Estimate of the number of Homes valued in various price ranges

Housing Units with and without a mortgage, plus costs and if over 30% of Household Income

Wages from Earnings

Active Military, Veterans and Civilians over 18

Estimates of those currently in preschool, kindergarten, elementary school (up to 8th grade), high school or college / graduate school

Over 18 and have attained No High School, Some High School, High School Graduate / GED, Some college, Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree or Graduate / Professional Degree.

Percentage of those below the poverty line, living in group quarters, current school / college / university enrollment, along with education achievement (Some High School, High School,Some College, Associates, Bachelors, etc. Foreign born statistics.

Hispanic/Latino, Total non‐Hispanic/Latino, White, Black, Asian, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Other, Total with two or more races. White, Non-Hispanic, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Other Asian, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, etc.

Database Sources

We are licensees of USPS database products, and use Census by ZIP Code data from multiple authoritative sources, but we enhance our ZIP Code Census Database based on decades of experience to provide you with the most accurate product available.

Affordability and Simplicity

  • Low Cost
  • One Year Access
  • Updated Regularly
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited User Licensing Available
  • Money Back Guarantee


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