Canadian Dissemination Areas

Dissemination Areas by Postal Code

This product joins Canadian Postal CodesOM to their corresponding Census Dissemination Area (DA). A DA is the smallest standard geographic area for which all census data elements are disseminated.  There are 56,204 Dissemination Areas, therefore there will be many Postal CodesOM belonging to a DA (averaging about 15 Postal CodesOM per DA). DAs are subsets of Canadian Census Tracts. A Dissemination Area can have a population of between 400 - 700 people.

This data is similar to that found in Statistics Canada's Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF), but is updated regularly, not every 5 years. This product can be used for developing Canadian sales territory assignments or for compiling Canadian Census Demographics.

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Canadian Dissemination Areas by Postal Code

This product contains Statistics Canada Dissemination Areas associated to Postal Codes. Statistics Canada currently defines 56,204 Dissemination Areas.

Learn more: view the Product Documentation / Watch our Accuracy Matters video

Database Specs

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File

The Postal CodeOM is 7 characters in the following format: ANA NAN.  Please note that there is a space in the 4th position

The Province code is 2 characters (AB=Alberta, BC=British Columbia, MB=Manitoba, etc.)

8-digit Dissemination Area ID

4-digit Census Division ID, Type Code and Name

7-digit Census Subdivision ID, Type Code and Name

ID and name of the corresponding Census Economic Region

7-digit ID and Name

3-character ID, Type Code and Name

Type and Code of the Census Statistical Area Classification

The ID and 'Name' of the Census Tract

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  • Low Cost
  • One Year Access
  • Updated Quarterly
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited Users per Location
  • Money Back Guarantee


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Related Links

Canadian Metropolitan Areas
Canada Postal Codes Geocoded
Canada Postal Codes
CanadaPlus with Latitude and Longitude
U.S. Rural Urban and Suburban