Mexico ZIP Codes, Time Zones Database

This is our standard Mexican Postal Codes database with the addition of Time Zones and Daylight Savings Time flags. We utilize advanced mapping techniques to provide an extremely accurate enterprise-class database. This product has undergone years of refinement since the 1990's, included rigid standardization and uniformity of data. You can expect about 140,000+ records and 32,000 unique Mexico Postal Codes. Each postal code can span more than one town or neighborhood. This database is updated regularly.

Diacritics (accented characters as in México)

This data includes three Character Sets: UTF-8 (commonly used), ISO‐8859‐1 (aka ISO Latin‐1), and ASCII for legacy systems that won’t accept accented characters. All are currently included as part of the download.

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Highly Accurate

We earnestly pursue creating the highest quality databases.

Annual Subscription

Download updates all year long with an annual subscription.

Regular Updates

This product is updated regularly based on its frequency of change.

Download Options

Web download, SFTP access, a custom file utility for many products

Exceptionally Comprehensive

Created for Enterprises. Ideal for meeting Mexican Post requirements and/or city verification.

Stable Verification Methods

As the very first U.S. Company to ever develop Mexican Postal Code database, we know precision and accuracy is a result of a extensive verification process, cross-referencing with multiple resources, and stable methods. We’ve been refining our algorithms for identifying and resolving irregularities for 20 years! Learn more: View the Mexico Database Product Documentation / Watch our Accuracy Matters video

Database Specs

If a Mexico Postal Code boundary covers more than one city, each city is listed as a separate record.

Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File

The Mexico postal codes are a 5-digit integer, similar to the U.S. ZIP Code.

State Abbreviation - can be from 2‐4 characters long

Type Code - Abbreviation for District Type: COL (Colonia), UHAB (Unidad Habitacional), etc.

Place Names (towns or neighborhoods) - up to 60 characters long

This is a region within a state or a division in a large city. For instance, Mexico City has 16 delegations: Alvaro Obregon, Benito Juarez, etc.

If postal code is part of a main city, it’s listed here. Rural areas do not have anything in this field. This can be up to 40 characters.

A unique number we created to easily differentiate the many Place Names within a postal code. A single postal code can have dozens of place names.

This is the time from UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), which are negative numbers in this hemisphere.

Mexico Postal Codes can have 3 options: ‘MX’ (observes Mexican Daylight Saving Time), ‘US’ (a border city that chooses to observe U.S. Daylight Saving Time), or ‘NO’ (not observed)

Affordability and Simplicity

  • Cost Effective
  • One Year Access
  • Updated Regularly
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Unlimited User Licensing Available
  • We are a U.S Company - Live, Free Technical Support
  • Money Back Guarantee


Cannot be resold, transferred, or used to compete with (as outlined in license agreement). One copy per application or business entity.

Related Links

Mexican Postal Codes with Latitude and Longitude
Mexican Postal Codes Basic
Mexican Postal Codes with Time Zones, DST, Latitude, Longitude