If a Mexico Postal Code boundary covers more than one city, each city is listed as a separate record.
Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Text File
The Mexico postal codes are a 5-digit integer, similar to the U.S. ZIP Code.
State Abbreviation - can be from 2‐4 characters long
Type Code - Abbreviation for District Type: COL (Colonia), UHAB (Unidad Habitacional), etc.
Place Names (towns or neighborhoods) - up to 60 characters long
This is a region within a state or a division in a large city. For instance, Mexico City has 16 delegations: Alvaro Obregon, Benito Juarez, etc.
If postal code is part of a main city, it’s listed here. Rural areas do not have anything in this field. This can be up to 40 characters.
A unique number we created to easily differentiate the many Place Names within a postal code. A single postal code can have dozens of place names.
This is the time from UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), which are negative numbers in this hemisphere.
Mexico Postal Codes can have 3 options: ‘MX’ (observes Mexican Daylight Saving Time), ‘US’ (a border city that chooses to observe U.S. Daylight Saving Time), or ‘NO’ (not observed)